Elbow Fracture

prof dr eftal gudemez el cerrahisi dirsek kirigi cesitleri tedavileri

What is elbow fracture? How does it occur?

Elbow joint is one of the most complicated joints of the body as anatomical details in bone and soft tissue structure.

If somebody would fall down on an outstretched hand, or if direct trauma is impacted over the elbow, or if rotational traumas would be taken place, fractures can occur in any of the elbow joint bones.

Even if there is no fracture in these type of traumas, ligament injuries or dislocations may occur.

What are the complaints and examination findings in elbow fractures?

  • There may be pain, swelling, bruises, and restricted movements around the elbow.
  • During the elbow movements, there may be a feeling of cracking or snapping sensation.
  • An open wound around the elbow may be visible (serious problems from the point of infection tendencies).
  • Elbow may be distorted in shape.
  • The hand may be numb or cold (serious problems from the point of nerve and vessel injuries).
prof dr eftal gudemez el cerrahisi dirsek kirigi tedavisi
El cerrahisi dirsek kirigi nasil anlasilir

How does elbow fracture get diagnosis?

The doctor examines the elbow. If the examination findings indicate the presence of a fracture, the proper diagnosis would be recorded with the x-ray examinations to be made. Most of the elbow fractures can be diagnosed with correct x-rays. Computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be performed if necessary. The type and configuration of the fracture, and possible accompanying soft tissue traumas associated therewith will be determined using these examination findings and imaging modalities.

How elbow fracture is treated?

The major problems after healing of elbow fractures are restricted range of motions, stiff elbow, or permanent deformities.

For these reasons, the primary goal is to make a treatment plan which allows early active motion in the management of elbow fractures.

Conservative treatment such as cast application and shoulder sling immobilization, is taken into consideration for only non-displaced and stable fractures. Because conservative treatment leaves the elbow immobile for awhile, there is a possibility of resulting in stiff elbow.

If the fracture is comminuted, complex and unstable, it may require surgical treatment. In the surgical way, the fracture fragments are reduced anatomically, fixed rigidly, and early active motion begins. Therefore, proper rehabilitation programs are very important during the treatment process. In this way, it is aimed to provide original flexibility of all the soft tissues around the elbow and to achieve full and painless motion with less scar tissue formation.


Prof. Dr. Eftal Gudemez

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Hand Surgery and Microsurgery


444 3 777

American Hospital


