Morton’s Neuroma

mortons neuroma

What is Morton’s Neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is one the most common cause of pain in fore foot area. This clinical condition usually presents pain in the area between the 3rd and 4th toes.

Patients with a Morton’s neuroma often feel like having a pebble in their shoes, or they feel like their socks are being folded, and they want to take their shoes off at very painful periods.


Why Does Morton’s Neuroma Occur?

It is caused by thickening of the nerves and/or nerve sheaths which may occur between any of the toes but most often in between the 3rd and 4th toes. It causes sharp and burning pain in the bulky soft tissue on the plantar area just behind the toes.

What are the Significant Characteristics of Morton’s Neuroma?

  • Numbness
  • Hypoesthesia
  • Dullness

which radiate to the toes.

Although it occurs without any specific reasons, it can also occur due to chronic irritations and some biomechanical pressure problems.

mortons neuroma
mortons neuroma

How is Morton’s Neuroma Treated?

  • Special medical products or splints for both foot and shoes are used for this purpose.
  • More orthopedic shoes can be tried by changing the style of shoes.
  • Steroid injections are performed in persistent cases.
  • Surgical treatment may be required as a last resort.


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American Hospital

