Bite Injury

Isırık yaralanması - Hayvan Isırığı

What is Bite Injury?

Bite injury is an injury created by animals or humans, usually in the dominant hand, and rarely in region. Most animal bites are made by dogs followed by cats. Cat bite wounds are more problematic, candidate for problems like infections. The main problem in animal bites is the possibility of rabies. Rabies is a rare disease that develops after bite. An average of 55,000 people dies each year from rabies in the world.

What are the Complaints in Bite Injury?

Bite injuries caused by crushing, tearing, or perforating of teeth can damage the underlying tissues. Loss of integrity of the skin can also cause infection. There is swelling, pain, discharge, and fever around the wound. Depending on severity of the damage to the underlying tissues, there may be other complaints and findings such as loss of sensation at the fingertip, loss of finger movements.

Isırık yaralanması - hayvan ısırığı
Isırık yaralanması - Hayvan Isırığı
Isırık yaralanması - Hayvan Isırığı
Isırık yaralanması - İnsan Isırığı

What Are the Signs of Bite Injury Infection?

Complaints such as redness, temperature increase, swelling, malodorous and dark discharge, pain, and fullness in and around the wound site may be signs of infection development.

How is Bite Injury Treated?

First aid in bite injuries;

First aid principles are very important in bite injuries. Superficial wounds should be washed extensively with soapy water or antiseptic solutions. Special wound care products with non-stick and antibiotic content can be used. The site is examined for the severity of possible nerve and tendon injuries. Superficial injuries usually heal within one week and ten days. If it does not heal or if there is evidence of infection, or if there are signs of injury to important tissues such as nerves and tendons, the treatment strategy may differ. After wound cleaning and examination, it is wrapped with clean and padded dressings and rested by keeping the affected area higher than the heart level to prevent swelling.

Proper treatment of bite injuries :

Your treating physician will usually follow an open wound care. The wound is generally not sutured. Radiological examination and blood tests may be requested. Tetanus vaccine and antibiotic therapy can be started. Surgical treatment may be required if tendons or nerves are injured. The animal causing the bite injury should be monitored for a while by community health experts against the possibility of rabies.


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