Swan-Neck and Button-Hole (Boutonniere) Deformities

Kuğu boynu deformitesi
Düğme İliği Deformitesi

What are Swan-Neck and Button-Hole (Boutonniere) Deformities?

These are the special names of the deformities of the fingers that are caused by different reasons. Closed tendon injuries on the finger, clean-cut injuries, some fractures or rheumatologic diseases are the reasons which are happened in acutely or chronically in time.

Complaints and Signs in Swan-Neck and Button-Hole (Boutonniere) Deformities

  • Obvious deformities in the fingers
  • Can not be extended tip of the finger (swan-neck) or bent the tip (button-hole)
  • Pain in the finger and limitation of movement may impair the active daily living
  • An open wound if an open injury is the reason
  • Swelling, pain, and limitation of movement can be noticed in other fingers, wrists or other joints of the body if the reason is rheumatologic conditions.

How to Treat Swan-Neck and Button-Hole (Boutonniere) Deformities?

The treatment plan is made according to the degree of the problem; which finger is affected or the individual characteristics of the patient especially if a closed trauma, tendon rupture or any kind of fracture are in consideration. Non-surgical treatments can be performed with appropriate splints, or there may be cases that require surgery. If the problem is based on rheumatologic diseases, the most appropriate treatment is applied with rheumatologists. Physical therapy and rehabilitation modalities in the treatment of these important deformities are so efficient to prevent or reduce the problems on the patients who are candidates for permanent disabilities.


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American Hospital


